Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Ageing, a visual representation...

Ageing is everywhere, even in seemingly static objects; a material is in a constant state of ageing, whether it is obvious or not.

Ageing Beacon (image: Tina Zacharia)

Coinciding with the task of re-mapping the site, the process of analysis in regards to the site's ageing processes through perceptual exploration has drawn my focus towards details which would have been previously overlooked. Continuing my ‘multi- sensory experience’ of the harbour and surrounding areas, I have focused on capturing the dynamics between materiality and the processes by which materials react to the elements.

Journey through my material exploration:


Eroding materials (image: Tina Zacharia)



The effects of pollution (image: Tina Zacharia)


Weathering via Water (image: Tina Zacharia)

Perceptual site analysis… Paradise lost?

Appraising the QUALITIES of the site // Fundamental EXPERIENCES to note:

1/ The scale/impact of the aggregate plant and its overall relationship to the site; can been seen as a beacon of industry at all points on site.

2/ The polluted meandering sleeper wall and the seemingly vacant / unused space by which it’s bounded by.

3/ Surrounding construction such as the corrugated sheet bowling club restricts any visual connection to its surroundings; there are no references to the sites’ location ‘by sea’- essence of a fading memory.

4/ The possible design opportunity in regards to the negotiation of the tension between the dynamism of water and architecture (seemly conceived as a fixed entity) 
5/ The interrelation between materiality and location; varied processes of ageing in harbour and sea front areas.

6/ Site of ‘multi-sensory invitation and discovery’: multi-faceted environment exposed to the elements giving rise to a possibility of the combination of visual, tactile and audible givens.

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